SSFP Donations

The following information will help you when donating items or volunteering at Sweet Springs Food Pantry.

Donations of items, monetary contributions, and time as a volunteer are excellent ways to help contribute to our community.

We accept and greatly appreciate various forms of donations to our pantry. We accept monetary and non-perishable food donations. We also accept donations of time from individuals. As a 501(c)(3) organization all monetary donations to the Sweet Springs Food Pantry are eligible for the Food Pantry Tax Credit (FPT).

If you would like to donate any of these, you can contact one of our board members about it, send monetary donations to our address, stop by during our hours of distribution, or during our monthly board meeting.

If you have a monetary donation you would like to give to our Senior Center project, you can send it to our Pantry address marked for Senior Center or visit the Community Bank of Marshall, Sweet Springs Branch and make a deposit for it there.

We would like to thank you in advance for any and all donations towards our projects. We appreciate it very much!


213 Main St,
Sweet Springs, MO 65351

+1 (660) 335-6740

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